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Project | 01

Project | 01  "Astral-The 48-Hour Film-2017"

For my first year at AMES Animation College, Rotorua, we were offered a part in the making of a short film in a very limited amount of time, from concept to storyboard to animation, sound design, editing etc. The project was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about the process of creating a project with a set time limit, and how to collaborate scenes and ideas with others.

Project | 02

Project | 02  "Maori Affirmation Stickers"

Stickers dedicated to Maori phrases in a beautiful way to encourage people to learn and use more of Aotearoa's language in their day-to-day conversations. These three were specifically dedicated to mornings and nights, hence the dark and light themes and the holographic material.

Project | 03

Project | 03  "Botanical Weapons"

A project dedicated to illustrations of weapons from popular media, tied together with flora that fits the media or characters themes.


Project | 04

Project | 04  "Groundhog Day"-The 48-Hour Film-2019"

For my third and final year at YOOBEE Animation College, Rotorua, we were once again offered a part in the making of a short film in a very limited amount of time, from concept to storyboard to animation, sound design, editing etc. I was appointed as lead art director and one of the four project managers, and did a lot of revising and edits to others work as well as my own, and we came together to make an awesome film.

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